
Edit Task: Dependencies


SCHED / EditTask '<TaskName>' Dependencies <NofDuring> <NofPredecessor> <NumberDef> '<Dep1TaskName>' <Dep1Type> <Dep1MinTimeAfterType> <Dep1MinTimeAfter> <Dep1MaxTimeAfterType> <Dep1MaxTimeAfter> ... '<DepNTaskName>' <DepNType> <DepNMinTimeAfterType> <DepNMinTimeAfter> <DepNMaxTimeAfterType> <DepNMaxTimeAfter>


The Dependencies attribute under EditTask will define the dependencies for a task. This command will delete any previous existing list of dependency constraints.


Parameter Description

A number that represents the amount of defined "during" task constraints that must be met before this task can be assigned. Any previous list of dependency constraints will be deleted.

If the word "ALL" appears here, the number of "during" constraints that must be met is set to the number of "during" constraints defined in the definition list of the current command.


A number that represents the amount of defined "predecessor" task constraints that must be met before this task can be assigned.

If the word "ALL" appears here, the number of "predecessor" constraints that must be met is set to the number of "predecessor" constraints defined in the definition list of the current command.

NumberDep A number that represents the total number of task dependency definitions that need to be followed.
DepNTaskName A string of text in single quotes of the name of the constraining task.
DepNType Options are either Pred or During, for either Predecessor or During type respectively.
MinAfterType Options are either afterStart, afterStop, or NA. This value is required but is ignored if minTimeAfter is NA (not applicable).
MinTimeAfter A number representing seconds(millisecond fidelity) of the minimum time between definitions. If MinAfterType is set to NA then the minimum time between constraint does not apply.
MaxAfterType The parameter options are either afterStart, afterStop, or NA. This value is required but is ignored if maxAfterType is NA (not applicable).
MaxTimeAfter The parameter is a number representing seconds(millisecond fidelity) of the maximum time between definitions. If MaxAfterType is set to NA then the maximum time between constraint does not apply.


Make TaskB use TaskA as a predecessor dependency, with a minimum afterStop time of 0s and a maximum afterStop time of 20s

SCHED / EditTask 'TaskB' Dependencies 0 1 1 'TaskA' Pred afterStop 0 afterStop 20

Make OriginalTask use TaskA and TaskB as predecessor dependencies using the 'All' option

SCHED / EditTask 'OriginalTask' Dependencies 0 all 2 'TaskA' Pred afterStop 0 afterStop 20 'TaskB' Pred afterStop 0 afterStop 40